What is Korean Buddhism? (extensive)
I. Introduction
II. The History of Korean Buddhism.
A. Early Day
1. Shamanism
2. Koguryo
3. Paekje
4. Karak
5. Shilla
a) Stories about the Arrival of Buddhism
b) The Story of Ich'adon
c) The Patronage of Buddhism by King Chinhung
d) The Arts
e) Political Organization
i) Pungwoltto
ii) Wonhwa
iii) Hwarang
6. Buddhist Culture of the Three Kingdoms
a) Temples
b) Pagodas
c) Statues
7. Masters Wonhyo & Uisang
B. Buddhism from Unification until Today
1. Unified Shilla Period (668-935)
2. Koryo (935-1392)
3. Choson (1392-1910)
4. Modern Times: Renewal
C. The History from Another Perspective
a) The Period of Introduction
b) The Period of Settlement
c) The Period of Expansion
d) The Period of Spreading Out
e) The Period of Transfiguration
f) The Period of Stagnation
g) The Period of Taking a New Direction
III. Features of Korean Buddhism
A. Characteristics
1. Individuality
2. Mental Foundation and Ideology
3. Philosophical Reformation Movement
4. Pursuit of Harmonization and Unification
B. The Orders
1. The Main Order: Chogye
2. Other Orders
IV. Monastic Life
A. Going Forth
1. Background
2. Renunciation and Study, Books & Binding.
3. Full Ordination
4. Bhikkunis
a) The History of Korean Bhikkunis
i) Introduction
ii) The Buddha and the Bhikkuni Sangha
iii) The Bhikkuni Sangha of the Three Kingdoms
(a) Koguryo
(b) Paekje
(c) Shilla
(i) The First Bhikkuni
(ii) The First Bhikkuni Sangha
(a) Bhikkuni Myobop
(b) Bhikkuni Popun
(iii) The Social Status of the Bhikkuni Sangha
(iv) Toyunarang, Head of the Bhikkuni Sangha
(v) The Word "Ani"
(vi) The Social Background
(vii) The Social Activities of the Bhikkunis
iv) The Bhikkuni Sangha of United Shilla
v) Koryo Period to the Modern Era
vi) Conclusion
b) Lifestyle of Bhikkunis Today
5. Daily Life
a) Morning
Spoons & Chopsticks
b) Midday
c) Afternoon & Evening
d) Meditation Life
e) The Year
Clothes to Suit the Climate
f) Later Life
The Four Friends: Brushes
Ink, Ink-stones and Constancy
Chamber pots, Hats and Vases
g) Ceremonies
Lotus Lanterns
h) Lay Life
V. Visiting Temples
A. Introduction
1. Making a Pleasant Visit
2. For Further Information
B. The Temple Compound
1. Outside the Compound
a) Monuments
b) Pudo
c) The ThreeGates
2. Inside the Compound
a) Pagodas
b) Stone Lanterns
c) Buildings
i) Bell Pavilion
ii) The Main Hall
iii) The Disciples' Hall
iv) The Judgment Hall
v) The Museum
vi) Small Buildings
x) Monks' Buildings
C. Iconography
1. Statues
a) Guardians
b) Buddhas & Bodhisattvas
i) Buddhas
(a) Sakyamuni
(b) Vairocana Buddha
(c) Amitabha
(d) Bhaisagyaguru
(e) Maitreya
ii) Bodhisattvas
(a) Avalokitesvara
(b) Kstitigarbha
iii) Triads
2. Paintings
a) Guardian Painting
b) Mountain God (Sanshin)
c) Recluse (Toksong)
d) Big Dipper(Chilsong)
e) Oxherding Pictures
f) Eight Scenes of the Life of the Buddha
D. Conclusion
VI. The Main Temples of the Chogye Order
A. The Three Jewels
1. T'ongdo-sa.
2. Haein-sa
3. Songgwang-sa
B. Other Famous Temples
1. The Temple of Beautiful Gates: Pomo-sa
2. A Temple of Emotions: Chondung-sa
3. The Temple of Filial Piety: Yongju-sa
4. A Temple Overlooking a River: Shilluk-sa
5. The Home of Manjusri Bodhisattva: Woljong-sa
6. The Temple of Compassion: Naksan-sa
7. The Temple of Frequent Change: Shinhung-sa
8. The Temple of the Two Pagodas Pulguk-sa; Sokkur-am
9. The Soldier-monks' Temple: Chikji-sa
10. A Treasure Trove of a Temple: Pusok-sa
11. The Temple of the Future Buddha: Kumsan-sa
12. The Temple Named After a Philosophy: Hwaom-sa
13. Temple of the Life of the Buddha Hall: Popju-sa
14. The Temple of the Ancient Main Hall: Sudok-sa
15. A Bhikkuni Training Temple: Unmun-sa
16. A Place for Concentrated Meditation: Soknam-sa
C. Temples in Seoul
1. The Center of the Largest Sect: Chogye-sa
2. Chin-gwan-sa
3. Hwagye-sa
4. Kuryong-sa
5. Ponguk-sa
6. Pongun-sa
7. Pulgwang-sa
8. Pong-won-sa
9. Taegak-sa
10. Toson-sa
VII. Chants & Teachings
A. Chants
1. The Heart Sutra
2. Homage to the Buddhas
B. Teachings
1. The Precepts
2. Greedless Harmony
3. Inspiring Yourself to Practice
Appendix : Glossary
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